【Custom】Flowing Shadow Ring
提升您的風格或慶祝您的愛情,選擇我們定制的 S999 銀戒指。這些戒指工藝精湛,為您的創意提供了一個展示的畫布——根據您的品味設計每一件作品,或為您的特別人設計。進一步個性化您的戒指,選擇刻字,創造出時間的見證,記錄您獨特的紐帶。無論是為自己還是為情侶,我們的戒指結合了優雅與個性,展現了您故事中的每一個細節。請注意,定制戒指的製作時間約為 7-14 天。
ᛜ選擇戒指寬度: 選擇最適合您風格和手指的寬度。這一選擇將定義戒指的整體外觀。
ᛜ測量您的戒指尺寸: 使用紙條和尺子測量您的手指。將紙條繞在手指上,標記重疊處,然後測量長度。
ᛜ決定是否刻字: 選擇是否需要刻字。如果需要,請指定刻字的位置(例如:正面、內側)。
ᛜ提供刻字內容: 如果選擇刻字,請提供您希望包含的確切文本或設計。請確保準確無誤,以獲得完美效果。
ᛜ選擇表面處理: 從拋光、啞光、噴砂或拉絲處理方式中選擇,為您的戒指設置完美的基調。

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Every order comes with 7 days of returns policy with conditions.Ninety’s CARE provides another unconditional coverage to a whole year from your Ninety’s CARE purchase date and adds up unconditional accidental damage or loss coverage.
Unconditional coverage NINETY'S CARE
Yes, we ship all over the world. Shipping costs will apply, and will be added at checkout. We temporarily run FREE SHIPPING on orders over:
HongKong ($300HKD)
Japan (JPY¥10,000)
Taiwan (NT$2,000)
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So stay tuned for exclusive deals.
Most of our ear cuffs are easily adjustable for size, so they are suitable for both males and females, even kids.
Our ear cuffs are thoughtfully designed to celebrate all genders and ages, blending style and inclusivity for everyone.
10mm is the common diameter of the ear cuff, which is also the size of our ear cartilage.
You can contact us through right corner chat box! We will be happy to assist you.