【慈善義賣】 - Creazione di Adamo
“ 除他以外,別無拯救;因為在天下人間,沒有賜下別的名,我們可以靠著得救。”
“ 你要以財物和一切初熟的土產尊榮耶和華。”
“ 我凡事給你們作榜樣,叫你們知道應當這樣勞苦,扶助軟弱的人,又當記念主耶穌的話,說:「施比受更為有福。」”

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Most of our ear cuffs are easily adjustable for size, so they are suitable for both males and females, even kids.
Our ear cuffs are thoughtfully designed to celebrate all genders and ages, blending style and inclusivity for everyone.
10mm is the common diameter of the ear cuff, which is also the size of our ear cartilage.
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